Now you can find me here
2014 m. spalio 28 d., antradienis
2014 m. rugsėjo 3 d., trečiadienis
kas nutiko
○ one • and one more ○ summer's songs I would say
So... I started on Easter and now I feel like I finished my project 'going to' finally!
in that nice nice reserve or something like that
Rietavas's Jūra (always has a magic)
went to Trakai before home just to eat kibinas (really good one)
after when I tried anonymous fund's swings for the first time
in Jonava after we made a birthday's suprise for M!
vajėėj salt on the ground what will happen now
with my ciabatta before wonderful full moon is rising
morning's bananas yummyy
visited ikea for the first (and last) time
with that pigeon I fed from my hand
opened reading outside season
somewhere near Riga
'hi mom that's where I'm'
one of thousands beautiful rocks in Prangli
midnight before brushing my teeth or 'hi dad that's where I'm'
our trip to the north
on the roof with very strong wind from both sides and before our picnic with (not very fancy) sandwiches there
the sea ♥
the lighthouse (above me hh)
next to the local pood (sadly which was closed (it was 4:29 pm in the middle of the week hah)
I won heh
afternoon's nap in high corn or something like that
one of the palces where we slept
the last day there, in the sea, in this ship, with these people and new experiences&views (just like all the time)
hi I'm in Poznan now (those cakes ahh)
somewhere in the green spot of Prague
finally on the ground of Plzen!
bowling and crazy (cute) kids
the last day there and Bamboo in the distance
family holidays
look what could happen after long talks with your phone
and also this in a such interesting name 'ką laikau' (kažkaip nesigalvoja kažkas geriau so I just left the same name of that folder heh)
super sweet but not very tasty (and someone's (?) famous art's center in the distance (nice one (juk Tallinn)))
oh look!
gabalas samanų
such a blue photo in this blue room after cleaning with blue cups with (I'm pretty sure) green mate and a book with a kinda blue cover and and blue blue everywhere (what an evening (white nights!)) (B, and views from those two windows mhm)
I missed this must leib very very much which tasted like pie (for me)
on the edge (plus cloudy and rainy mm)
look what I found
cookies & helicopter & Tallinn's harbour (one of them)
the most tasty banana I have ever ate (you can find them in the market and even cheaper than in Lithuania!)
lovely people who gifted us tickets aww
let's go to govinda
apsigreifrutavome (the last lithuanian food hah)
ir ir
4:45 am
nuostabūs laikraščių radiniai
what this watermelon is doing here (and like this)
'so do you take photography seriously?' 'yup, look koks menas'
cocoa's (more than) break (cocoa only for occasion of course (which continues for two weeks))
crazy people (and also 'let's touch ALL corners in this territory' what)
morning's caches: banana, then nice strange girl who gave me candy and later I came on time when they were giving pizza!
going home (when everyone is still sleeping)
and one more time of that beautiful place
going far away again
autumn with Banana (again)
I just forgot to ask myself one question: why I'm doing all this??
going to sleep now
truputį nejauku kad tiek daug manęs ir mano gyvenimo čia visur (nors būsimi dėstytojai ar darbdaviai neturėtų viso to rasti, ane?)
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